Happy 1st Birthday Indiemaker!

This August, Indiemaker celebrates it's first birthday! To celebrate I thought, why not release a public demo and start a devlog?

I started making it by myself and created a basic character controller and a basic level editor. I made little progress and worked on and off throughout the first six months, but around April is when I finally started making progress. Some friends of mine decided to join the project as Art, Music, and Marketing staff. Now I felt accountable. When I slacked off I let people down, but before I had only let myself down. I finally released the first build privately to my company. It featured ground, spikes, ladders, bounce pads, background, and one-way platforms. I started adding enemies and a variety of new things. I was focused on the little things. Eventually I new I had to tackle the big things like Slopes, Logic, and Rooms. I started working on slopes in June, and after a couple weeks of tweaking I finally got them to work moderately well. (You'll know what I mean if you check out the game). Logic was fairly easy and I got the connection of Inputs and Outputs in the editor. Finally I decided to tackle rooms. I started about a week ago and finished on Thursday.

With the first birthday approaching I decided to start reaching out to other studios, because that's what Indiemaker is about: making indie levels. My vision for Indiemaker is players being able to create and share levels from games like Shovel Knight, Axiom Verge, and Celeste.

So yesterday, (the 26th), I sent an email to Thomas Happ Games, proposing a partnership. They haven't said yes or no yet, but they have access to this demo, so stay tuned, and expect another devlog soon.

Best Regards,

Andrew Smith

Huge thanks to Preston Hammonds, Logan Welch,  Abby Smutney,  Zander Nolin, and all the amazing people at Aedifex Games!

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